Sunday, September 25, 2011

two things

She felt the light and the warmth all around her. She felt love and more love every where she looked. Each facial gesture she offered was returned, and she was revived. Refreshed. She needed this. He gave her this.

She was so sublimely satisfied. She didn't need another day after a night like this. Who needs any more than the day they are already given, anyway? She soaked it all in, their words, their love, their laughter. And she was struck by two thoughts.

This was home.

Yet there was more to come.

She let the air shamelessly exit her lips in sighs of bliss. There was no shame here. It was so safe. And that's where they all took the biggest risk. Together.

Would they truly bask in one another's presence? Would they truly open themselves to that level of mutual understanding and trust?

She felt the light and the warmth all around her. She felt love and more love every where she looked. Each facial gesture she offered was returned, and she was revived. Refreshed. She needed this. He gave her this. 

They basked. 

And as they basked, the light and the warmth from the glasses, from the smoke, and from the laughter filled their souls. And in those moments of sublime satisfaction and relaxed happiness, they knew two things.

This was home. 

And there was more to come.

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